Lifelong Learners – Coach Education with Frans Hoek, World Cup Special

As coaches we must be committed to being lifelong learners.

The moment we stop learning, the moment we stop searching for more information about modern practices and research into youth development, at a deeper level than just technique and tactics, is the moment we are not providing the environment the youth athlete needs to support their development journey.

This week we were incredibly lucky to have a special online session with Frans Hoek. The Fremont YSC coaching staff got exceptional insight into the Netherlands process around the game day in Qatar 2022, specifically the USA knockout round.

Process and references are important for effective coaching, and we gained great insight into the selection process of the Netherlands squad, the scouting of the USMNT, and coaching practices around gameday -2, -1, Game Day, and +1. The level of detail, the long hours, and objectivity is what sets the exceptionally high standard of coaching at the elite level.


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