Schalke 04 – A Club Visit


German clubs remain bound to the fans of the club, the members, with most clubs having 51% ownership by the fans, there are a few small exceptions. It is the members who vote for the club’s advisory board, and it is the advisers who in turn vote for the executive board. Money is what corrupts so many clubs, decaying the integrity and values of what clubs represent, distorting the value of the player market, and this can be the biggest challenge to clubs like Schalke who rely on their youth programs to support the senior team.

Schalke proudly boasted 7 players from its youth system in World Cup 2014, including Ozil, Neuer, Kolasinac, Draxler, Matip, and Howedes.

Secret of Success of German Football

There is no secret hen it comes to understanding the success of German football, and there are no secrets being held back. German clubs are very open with communication, and between clubs and associations the communication channels are open to encourage everyone to continue learning. The negative experience of Euro 2000 was a turning point for German football, with the focus then being put on Formation Centers (centers of excellence), with each center being awarded certification for its elite standard. There are qualities that are evident in achieving success through the academies –

  • Fighting Spirit
  • Nurturing of Talent
  • Long Term Vision
  • Patience

The vision held by German football, and Schalke, is in the pursuit of the ultimate goal.

Principles of Schalke

Football is getting quicker, there is no time for a thought process, it’s now important for intuition. To improve the decision making you need a high repetition of soccer situations, U9 to U23 follow all of the same principles, the Schalke way of playing –

  • Always look forward, in WE, and They to WE
  • Awareness in the moment of WE to THEY
  • 1st touch in movement, always with a direction (towards free space)
  • Attack the ball, awareness of speed of action, no touch allowing the ball across hips to speed up play
  • Passes and ball movement played at angles
  • Defend the space around you, zonal defending, pass players on and take players in to your space.

The principles of Schalke will prepare the player for any system or team. This allows for youth players to fit in to the system and style of any new head coach influencing the senior team.

Learn through experience, play the game so you are in the game situation, learn through doing. Players do not need to understand the knowledge, they need to be able to do it.

The Academy

Development and winning work hand in hand, where players must desire the want to win while the club develops the individual. The club can develop an individual’s personality and technique, but the player must have a winning mentality. It makes sense in Schalke for there to be an investment in the academies, as an efficient youth department will held navigate the club away from sending big on transfers and inflated player salaries. The investment in the player will in turn have the player invest in the club through loyalty.

Conceptions and Philosophy of Knappenschmiede

Schalke believes in the following for a successful youth program.

How to teach football – Game Understanding – Sense of the game – Path from junior to senior – Style of play.

Football has become far more brain focused, requiring more awareness, players have become the tacticians on the field during games. Through coaching, players are now expected to create space on the field, evaluate the dangers, and anticipate the development of the game. The quality of the youth academy is vital when producing these players, and even though results are always perceived to be the critical factor in success, the development of the individual is what’s most valuable at the youth level, there must be a re-balance where development is more important than winning. There is a pathway to achieve success, working on game related practice, using repetition for technical development, and appreciating the many side roads that can be part of the development pathway.

Schalke has principles which reflect the philosophy of the game

  • Communicate and have fun when playing
  • Enjoy the game
  • Innovation and liberty are unremitting for this, and should be embraced by players and coaches

Key areas of focus of the conception and philosophy include –

  1. Act instead of react
    1. Impose actions always and everywhere upon opponents. Set the trend of the game with and without the ball.
    2. Excellent pressing, self-confident, determined and strong. Practice every exercise with the ball, practice as serious than games.
  1. Train like you play
    1. Respect the principle of differentiated training. Everything a player will do in a game is practiced during training sessions with differences in intensity.
  1. Do what you are able to do – but this at 100%
    1. Training sessions must bring potential to the max.
    2. Not looking for magicians, want self-aware and authentic players
  1. Train according to methodical principles
    1. From easy to difficult
    2. From slow to fast
    3. From simple to complex

Tactical Guidelines

With Possession of Ball

  • Play in depth instead of width, stretch the field
  • Limit contact with the ball, let the ball run to increase speed of the game, the ball is quicker than any player
  • Attention to the second ball when teams play in a defensive manner
  • Transition to attack quickly, good organization behind the ball must be guaranteed

Without Possession of Ball

  • Pressing in the midfield third
  • In compact way, all together in common action to achieve success
    • One player acting alone is lost, no chance of success
    • Everyone must contribute to the team’s success
  • Always be highly focused and involved
  • Transition to defense quickly, regain the ball ASAP


  • Is not an end, but a means to score goals in the offensive, and to avoid them in defense
    • Every player must grasp a technical basis, all players develop technical ability for specific positions
    • Positions require different technical strengths to others

Physical Condition

  • Players should be in peak conditioning
    • Always move with high intensity
    • All squad players must be in top form for duration of the season

Personality Development

  • Developing well rounded individuals on and off the field, not interested in creating machines
    • Importance of education, nurturing the intellect, spirit, and mind of each player
    • Training the brain is integral to development
  • Character of an individual is important
    • Think positively and act co-operatively
    • Players must be honest, respectful, intelligent, forward thinking, and willing to take responsibility on and off the pitch

Style of Play

  • Offensive, aggressive, dominant
  • No dependence on system
  • Team spirit, Strong passion and a winning mentality

Where there’s a will there’s a way

  • The starting point of all ideas is always performance and achievement orientated, not success orientated


“Respect people on the way to the top, you may meet them again on the way down”

Scouting Uwe Vester

Structure and Recognition of Talent

Throughout Germany there are boundaries in which players can be scouted by teams, throughout the age groups the district boundaries change, these boundaries prevent players from needing to travel excessively to their club. This creates great competition amongst the clubs in the area, and specifically around Schalke with it being one of the densest areas of professional clubs. The Ruhrgebiet is the heartland of the German rustbelt, occupying European giants, Schalke, Borussia Dortmund, Bayer Leverkusen, Koln, and Borussia Monchengladbach. While considered as lower level senior teams within the Bundesliga, these clubs have the highest functioning academies in the country.

These academies do not start team play until the age of U9, everything below this is practice only. The purpose of scouting at the youngest ages regionally is reduce the danger of making poor signings at the senior level. To be a successful scout takes due diligence, experience, and an ability to nextwork with local clubs. The earliest contracts in Germany are at U16, with a maximum of 3 years but allowing for a 2 year extension.


  • Scout matches and practices of Schalke teams
  • Regular contact and discussions with coaches
  • Half year assessment of own players
  • Organize and observe trials
  • Record results of scouting in to database


Long Term Observation

Forecasting a player’s development, and future playing ability must be completed with precision, working from trends in player development. The selection is completed with greatest possible perspective, enhancing the optimal composition of the squad.

Short Term Target – creation of performance optimizing environment within the team

Long Term Target – highest possible takeover rate (transfer fee)


Recognition of Talent

Ozil is one of many players that have developed and graduated from Schalke. Considered small and weak, but could do anything with a ball, this is recognition of elite talent. It’s important to be able to play football, not work at football.

  • Special qualities –

Speed of action under pressure – recognition of tight positions, and avoids them – technical ability, special skills, both footed, speed, 1v1 competent, crucial passes, can score

  • Behavior in Match Situations

WE: creates options for themselves and others – understands the game

THEY: accountable, willing to do the ‘dirty work’

TRANSITION: recognizes the situation and acts accordingly

  • Physical Condition

Speed (although trainable) – height (keepers and defenders) – physical force, presence on the field – resistance to injuries, trainable

  • Personality

Resilient in social and private life – stress resistance against overloading and negative experiences, stability in match (crowd and referee) – straightness, makes decisions and pushes through without hesitation

Where scouts are looking? They observe the warm up behavior, and parent behavior, along with the interaction between players and parents/coaches/scouts.

Outstanding talents can influence a match, only those who can control all areas of life achieve their goals


A holistic approach to psychology including all 3 of the important factors in long term development, the player, coaches, and parents. Psychology is used as a preventative tool, starting as early as U9. A preventative method is more successful and efficient than being used as a tool to repair damage done.

Each factor in the long-term development undergo the same levels of receiving individual, and group sessions, utilizing diagnostic questionnaires.

Volendam – A Club Visit

Volendam is everything you would expect of a community club, a club where the community has etched its traditions and principles in to the identity of the club. The club has a museum and learning center, where a short movie production takes the individual through the history of success’s and difficulties of Volendam. The city has churned out multiple artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, and football players

Currently 6 players in the first team are locals who grew up in Volendam and have come through the academy system.

Analysis of Opponent and Preparation for Game Day

For every game day there needs to be a game plan, where the basis is around ‘Prevention and Exploit’.

  • What is the identity of the opposition
  • The weaknesses
  • How will our own identity exploit opponent’s weaknesses?

Stopping their Strengths

Prevent the flow of the opponent, do not allow the opposition to get a hold of the game and dictate the tempo of the game. Identify the key players and the phases of play in which the opposition has found success. Each team will have a trigger to which they respond to stimulus on the field in both attack and defense, these need to be highlighted so opposition play can be prevented.

Pressure their Weaknesses

This is the coachers role in identifying the tactics which will exploit the oppositions system and style of play. A step back from the unit weakness is the individual player. Looking at the technical and tactical weakness of certain players, their strongest foot, ability to win the ball in the air, and the speed of thought of the player. Additionally, the mental and emotional strength in players can be exploited to gain an advantage.


Every system has a weakness, with certain areas on the field being given away. Systems however are a formation of players to be stood on the field, but the roles and responsibilities are what can change this system throughout the game to where the formation could look like one of many different systems.


Youth Academy

3 full time staff members cover the entire youth academy, working with volunteers who coach the players under the direction and supervision of the academy coaches. To enable this balance the teams practice 4 times a week, where 2 sessions are with the volunteer coach, while the additional 2 sessions are with the full-time academy staff coach. The set up of using part time coaches is from U12 to U17, with the older teams having full time coaches for every session.


  • 50% of the senior squad members being from the region
  • Sell players to other academies and clubs for profit

The Volendam academy has system in place where all players must have equal playing time up to and including U16’s. This is not a game by game basis, but an overall season plan to ensure players are getting adequate playing time throughout the season. U17 and up, it’s up to players to fight for their position.

There are 4 different learning lines highlighted by the Volendam academy, and each player is exposed to experiencing all 4 to develop as an all-round individual.

  • Football – 35%
  • Training – 35%
  • Mentality – 20%
  • Lifestyle – 10%

The principles of Volendam include

  • Dominant in attack and defense
  • Posses to the attacking half, then create

Frans Hoek Sports – What is Real Soccer?

What are we currently doing that prevents the game from being real? When taking away a goal in practice, can this still be soccer real? Is the pressure of parent’s soccer real? No, neither of these allow the game to be soccer real. Soccer has a philosophy in its set of laws and rules, this is objective and cannot be argued with. It is only in belief that a law can be argued with, but this is subjective and deviates away from the real.

Has to be objective, always with a ball, always opponents, always space, time factor, direction, pressure, and rules.

Aim – always to improve the player, and the individual, through its team effort and co-operation.

How do we do this? We find the problem, or the factor preventing the development, then from here we ask the when, where, who, what.

For this to work it must be player-centric, this is not the coach’s problem. To develop the player, or to find a solution to the problem, it must be made to be the players problem. This will provide a buy in from the player in which they will then invest in the process of learning. One of the most effective ways of learning is to teach others, and this can be achieved by having the player show the coach, teaching the coach what they know. What is it that they must know to find success, and what did they learn through the process.

Coach the whole team, all players involved in the process, but lead to the individual coaching for the player directly involved in the process of finding the solution to the problem. All involved must stay calm, emotions during the process will cloud the judgement and ultimately the decision making.

AZ Alkmaar – A Club Visit

AZ Alkmaar are one of the leading clubs in soccer for their holistic approach to club and player development, with a proud tradition of fostering its home-grown talent in to the senior squad. In an age of high financial risk and reward, AZ keep to their principles and philosophy, and maintain a successful club. The focus on development from top to bottom of its club structure allows AZ to not prioritize winning outside of its senior squad.

In the senior squad there are 17 homegrown, developed players, 50% of the starting lineup are homegrown while 53% of the playing minutes being performed by players from the academy.

The youth of AZ practice at the same facilities, sharing the same clubhouse, but are always kept separate from the seniors but within touching distance, creating a boundary before the step up to senior level so players know it’s there and achievable, inspiring motivation to succeed.

The Philosophy

Winning is only a priority at senior level, from U23 and below through its youth system there are no expectations for winning, but players come with a desire and drive to win and compete. At U17 players are coached how to win, not be confused with must win, it’s a mindset that gets instilled in to the players on how to use their development to find success through results. The focus on development enables the club o work towards a club curriculum where the next game is not the priority, but the inclusion of all disciplines through all the Phases in We and They.

The curriculum is split in to blocks of 2 weeks, a periodized structure to where the player can receive all the knowledge and tools to become an all-round player to develop to their full potential. The macro cycle is for WE and THEY, a 2-week block. At the micro level the Phases are separated and worked on in the WE/THEY. The breakdown of a weeks training is as follows –

Monday – 2 hours, movement and skill acquisition, always under the pressure of opposition. Ending with a game.

Tuesday – 1 hour of athleticism, gym technique, exercise movement, 1 hour of soccer specific fitness.

Wednesday – skill acquisition, tactical SSG, work ration of 1:1.

Thursday – 11v11

Friday – Preparation for game – how to play defense and attack.

The players are encouraged to play to win without the importance of the result, creating a desire to perform through discipline, desire, and self-respect for the efforts put in by a player. How to win is important, and is what development is when giving the players the tools that are needed to perform, always a development approach. The proactive development pathway allows the player to work on their own game, reactive coaching is only within the game itself.

How to Create a High Performance Culture

Marijn Beuker

A key component of instilling a high performance culture is to think differently, be brave to believe in youth process.

There needs to be a buy in from all involved and with capable organization staff who are knowledgeable in the process and structure of the club’s long term development pathway. The vision needs to be clearly defined with an outline for all to follow, a pathway to a defined success, and understanding what is talent. Is talent nurtured or from nature? How can we bring out the best in the natural traits of the player through the nurturing of skill acquisition and game insight? let kids fail, allow them to fall and get up to learn from their mistakes.

Great reading source – The Gold Mine Effect

The culture of a club is important if you want the holistic long-term development approach. The environment needs to be one where everyone can thrive within the organization, where everyday people are working towards their defined goal, and the belief in the culture remains strong and is passed on to others.

The Culture


  1. Raise your bar
  2. Focus on the process
  3. Use the power of examples

Fun Task, Try It

Raise your hand in the air
Take a note of where your arm is raised to
Now try and reach higher
Get up on your toes, straighten your arm, and point your fingers
Naturally there is always more than what we can give at first, raise your bar

Look for Discomfort

FEAR. Face everything and respond. Work at your fears, challenge then and come out stronger.

‘do not handicap your children by making their lives easy’, Robert A Heinlein

Stimulate Creativity, Solution Focused Learning

Let them know the end outcome, allow them to create the path to get there. Implicit learning.


Get to know yourself and get to know the person across the table. Understand what motivates that person, learn what may hold them back and what enables them to work at their optimal level. Knowing and teaching others that being a good human will make you a good player. The All Blacks culture.

Be demanding, honest and direct, but make players believe they can be developed

AZ Youth Academy

Bart Heuringh

The AZ academy sees the development of players as more than just practices on the field, or the use of tactics within a game. The club philosophy and its principles is to see the bigger picture of the players journey, and the importance of all the different disciplines needed of a player. They also see learning differently, and aim to teach their players why to do things, rather than just the how.

The prevention of issues far outweighs the need to fix a problem. Education is the key to understanding and having people believe in your process.

‘it’s easier to build strong children than repair broken men’ Frederick Douglass

AZ have a learning system where you begin with motivation, using the opportunity to grab the attention of the player, then applying the knowledge. Firstly, find the motivation (wanting to be the best 1v1 player in attack) grab the attention through videos of idols and high performers (Cristiano Ronaldo dribbling a ball at defenders), then help and guide the players with the tools they need to be able to perform. This works great for difficult disciplines such as diet and sleep.


Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.” Plato



Vitesse Arnhem – A Club Visit

Vitesse Academy

The Club and Club Vision

Edwin Peterson

Ambition – best academy of Netherlands

Aim – international academy according to the new certification

To attain and achieve a clubs desired aims, it is important to improve the coaching this is an important factor. The coaches set standards and levels of performance, you can only be as good as your coaches. Overall, the improvement of the level of the players is key to a club.

To set up a pathway to achieving these goals an organization must analyze what exists, and find what needs to change/improve.

  • 4 fundamentals needed at every club
    1. Good players
    2. Good coaches (dedicated and passionate)
    3. Policies and structure
    4. Resources/facilities

The Vitesse Academy creates a tailor-made approach to each player, a player pathway for individual development and player accountability. The objective is to field players in to the first team, creating a platform to showcase their talents. Vitesse philosophy is that ‘Teams are important, but not most important’, players are important, they need to fail and learn. Teams don’t get debuts as first team and National players! The players need to be allowed to play, over coaching stifles creativity.

For Vitesse to grow they must become an attractive power, hold themselves to higher standards, and to make a connection to the top.

Performance Lab

Jan Van Nord and Tim Arends

Training Facility Set Up

  • Individual and specific performance report for players
  • Compare throughout the team, and game by game

The set up of the field shown with 10 cameras surrounding the perimeter, allows for greater accuracy in recording and monitoring a players date, with immediate feedback from pitch side rather than bouncing of satellites.


Performance lab allows coaches to get to know the player, this enables the already mentioned player pathway to be created. Important player features include football ability, mindset, physical performance, personal lifestyle, rehab and recovery. A player’s performance and rate of development can be hindered by any of the factors. A player could be experiencing emotional distress at home, or a loss in confidence.



Functional Movement Test

Specific training for the player dependent on test results. Red zones for certain injury concerns, i.e tight hips, player performs daily exercises at home to loosen the hips.

Periodization is subject to the amount of stress on the player through game frequency. A rest day will follow a match day, with adjustments in % of intensity throughout the week. A game week with a Friday fixture will enable a low intensity Wednesday, sessions that take place on these days may include recovery, game preparation, or psychological sessions.



Talent Identification

Bart von Rooijen

  • “Good is not good enough” there is always room for improvement.
  • “You don’t have to be ill to get better”, a proactive approach to individual development.

Vitesse have traits which they believe are needed in every player to be able to grow:

  • Proactive
    • Always looking to reach new levels without the push of outside influences. An intrinsic desire to be successful
  • Quick Learning
    • Is a player attentive and open to learning, a commitment to improvement.
  • Athleticism
    • Physical attributes and performance qualities.
  • Winner Mentality
    • The want to win at all cost, will go that step further than others for success.
  • Technical Players
    • An ability to player and perform soccer actions.
  • Own Character
    • They have that something that separates them from the crowd

Position specific understanding is not expected until the older ages.

Players are not part of the Vitesse academy until U8, and up to U10 they will practice twice a week with the club and coach. Once U11 they will practice 3 times a week, and this is for each older age group also.

U8 Player Identification Session

2 activities that challenge the players 1v1 capability.

Player 1 passes the ball to player 2. Player 2 must dribble around the goal to score. Player 1 attempts to win the ball back before player 2 can score.




As above, but player 2 must dribble though a yellow gate before scoring in any 1 of the 2 goals. The player may turn and attack the opposite side if the space is available.


Part 2 – European Education Tour 2017

Soccer Language

Soccer is a world wide sport, and while the culture in while lies may change, or the methodology in its coaching system may differ, the soccer language is consistent. The soccer language is a base for all that we do within the sport.


The sport never changes no matter where you are, the philosophy of soccer is something that cannot be argued. Soccer is attack (we have the ball), defend (they have the ball), and transition.

Within the philosophy of soccer there are phases in which the game is played, with these phases providing the basis for team tasks and player roles. These phases are commonly categorized as Phase’s 1, 2, 3, and 4, both being we and they, have the ball.

Vision of the soccer club should be evident through the execution of the soccer movements, within the framework of phases. Where and when on the field do you press the ball? How do you prevent penetration and creative actions from opposition? How does the team play to break down defensive opposition, and to then make goal scoring opportunities?

Your aims should be clear within the structure, do you play to win or focus on development? The kind of soccer played will indicate whether your aim is to win, or whether the club is focused on development.

Using the soccer language to construct and break down styles of play, as shown in the above diagram, the individual player profile can be created. From the moment within the game at which team functions can be defined, a teams task through its organization, will highlight the basic task as needed to be executed by the player.


Part 1 – European Education Tour 2017

Part 1 – European Education Tour 2017

This first part of the European Education Tour is to get to know the clubs and football associations of Holland and Germany, 2 of Europe’s powerhouses in soccer. The member clubs of these associations are incredibly decorated for their youth development and playing honors at the senior levels, and have been of huge support to the National efforts of the senior teams.

KNVB Royal Dutch Football Association
President: Michael van Praag
Vice President: Bert van Oostveen

The football association has a philosophy of working together, have people love the sport, and to keep soccer attractive, accessible, and enjoyable to as many people as possible. Dutch football through its leadership at the top with its association has kept deep roots in the community with their clubs as social organizations to better the communities, and at the larger scale the integrity of the soccer community. A youth academy and a training center where member club associates work together for the betterment of soccer in Holland and its players. KNVB focus’s on both the grassroots programs and its elite clubs.


Vitesse Arnhem

Vitesse Arnhem vs Ado Den Haag – 11/26/2017

Manager: Henk Fraser
Owner: Alexander Chigirnsky

Sees the game as being bigger than just the sport in its self.  The club combines two regional areas, Vitesse and Arnhem, 2 regions working together for a collective goal, improving the community through social interaction, living standards, and a mutual commitment between club and community.  The club focus’s on 3 pillars, with health being an important part of the club, encouraging all to be involved in sports participation, and reaching out to those who are less fortunate. Players have a big role at the club to connect with the community being involved in out reach programs for fans, the club’s identity is very important to its mission of benefiting the community. Recently purchased by a Russian owner in 2010, the first Dutch club to be owned by a foreigner.


Ajax vs Roda JC Kerk – 11/26/2017

Ajax Amsterdam

Manager: Marcel Keizer
Chairman: Hennie Henrichs

The Board of Directors contains former players, giving soccer decisions to soccer professionals, Ajax is also the only Dutch team to be an IPO. World famous for its youth development program with some of the worlds most talented players coming through the long term development pathway of the youth system. The 1-4-3-3 is coached through youth in to the senior team, all players in the youth system coached the same way as the seniors. Ajax are known for their attacking, fast, creative style of play, pressing high up the field staying away from their own goal. Ajax relies on its youth development to filter in to the senior squad. Players are developed through the AJAX TIPS model, technique, insight, personality, and speed.


AZ 67

AZ Alkmaar vs FC Twente – 11/24/2017

Executive Director: Robert Eenhoorn
Technical Director: Max Huiberts
Chairman: Rene Neelissen
Manager: John van den Brom

AZ was formed in 1967 after the merger of Alkmaar ’57 and FC Zaanstreek. AZ has been twice awarded the best youth academy in Netherlands, creating a pathway for its youth to make it to the senior squad. Over half of the current senior squad have come from its youth program. The clubs director of football is responsible for the youth development, with its coaching staff buying in to the playing culture of AZ 67. The youth program provides education support to enable youth players so every player can obtain a diploma.


German Football Association
President: Reinhard Grindel

Direct members of the DFB are only its five regional associations and its 21 state associations, along with the German Football League, whereas the clubs participating in the German football league system are members of the state associations covering their district. Germany hold their associations and development to high standards, every day setting standards for the development of (top) football, with passion to lead the players to the top and the teams to titles. The goal is to further develop German football and to establish its academy as a seal of quality in the world. With the most competent team, the best infrastructure, the latest technology and science, we shape the success of our players, coaches and referees. We turn talent into quality. And quality wins title.


Schalke 04

Schalke vs Borussia Dortmund – 11/25/2017

President: Clemens Tonnies
Head Coach: Domenico Tedesco

The common goal is for athletic success, through long term development of their youth. Schalke is committed to the following; Sporting Development, Commitment of Members, Fans, Employees and Sponsors to Schalke 04, Economic Development, and Social Responsibility
It’s educational goals and focuses are tailored exactly to the current skills of the players. The focus is on the teaching of basic techniques such as dribbling, passing, shooting. At the same time, special attention to the development of general coordinated skills to support and enhance the execution of basic techniques. These programs are held in the schools during school time, held for periods of 6 to 8 weeks and repeated. A child-oriented, individual and constructive but also goal-oriented form of coaching is paramount and  generates a sustainable willingness to learn.  Not only the improvement of the footballing skills of the participants is in the foreground. It’s also about the feeling, with Schalke 04 in the heart, to have a great time together, to compete in fair competitions, to achieve goals together and to go home as friends. We want to secure the lifelong enthusiasm for football among the youngest.
Schalke 04 management board consists of 3 current members, never less than 2 and no more than 4. Christian Heidel is responsible for soccer operations.


Borussia Dortmund

Borussia Dortmund vs Schalke – 25/11/2017

Chairman: Hans-Joachim Watzke
Head Coach: Peter Bosz

Borussia Dortmund stands for intensity, authenticity, cohesion and ambition. It has a ig role in the social element of its fans, with its authenticity and cohesion creating a bond where fans remain loyal, and share its values with the Dortmund region. Dortmund is the second biggest sports club in Germany and the 11th biggest football team in the world.
Borussia Dortmund e.V. is represented by its management board and a board of directors consisting of president Dr. Reinhard Rauball, his proxy and vice president Gerd Pieper, and treasurer Dr. Reinhold Lunow. Football at Dortmund is run by the organization Borussia Dortmund GmbH. This corporation model has two types of participators: at least one partner with unlimited liability and at least one partner with limited liability. The investment of the latter is divided into stocks. The organization Borussia Dortmund GmbH is the partner with unlimited liability and is responsible for the management and representation of Borussia Dortmund GmbH. Borussia Dortmund GmbH is fully owned by the sports club, Borussia Dortmund e.V. This organizational structure was designed to ensure that the sports club has full control over the professional squad


Bayer Leverkusen vs Borussia Dortmund – 12/1/2017

Bayer Leverkusen

Chief Executive Officer: Michael Schade
Head Coach: Heiko Herrlich

The club was founded in 1904 by employees of the German pharmaceutical company Bayer, whose headquarters are in Leverkusen and from which the club draws its name. It was formerly the best-known department of TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen, a sports club whose members also participate in athletics, gymnastics, basketball and other sports including the RTHC Bayer Leverkusen (rowing, tennis and hockey). In 1999 the football department was separated from the sports club and is now a separate entity formally called Bayer 04 Leverkusen GmbH.
In contrast to many other German football clubs, which hold close ties to their working-class roots, Bayer Leverkusen strives for a clean, family-friendly image. The BayArena has the reputation of being one of the most family-friendly football stadiums in Germany. Ironically, Bayer 04 was the first Bundesliga club whose fans identified themselves as Ultras and the city of Leverkusen is one of the old industrial cities of Germany.

The youth academy hopes to develop its most talented youth players to quickly make the step up to the first team. They achieve this through a combination of targeted individual practice, with team training plus balanced games to ensure players develop to the thier fullest. Bayer 04 Leverkusen expect its teams to play attacking technically good football, and ultimately be successful. More significantly is the importance of developing the players personality, as follows:

    • A performance-related and self-motivated attitude to playing and training
    • Self-critical analysis with own performance and with the input of the coach
    •  A friendly attitude
    • The ability to share team spirit and get on with each other

Coach Education, Europe 2017

Fremont YSC… will be in Europe!
Executive Director Dai Redwood has been selected by NorCal Premier Board of Directors to visit European giants including Ajax, Feyenoord, Borussia Dortmund, and Schalke 04.
At Fremont we are always looking to learn as much as we can to provide an environment for players to not only learn soccer, but to grow as people for the future.

Kick or Treat is Coming …

Days away from Kick or Treat 2017. Fields are being prepared, coaches tournament bags put together, and most importantly… costumes are being made. Join us at Central Park, and Hopkins Junior High on 10/28 & 10/29