We are going through incredibly challenging times, and this is taking its toll on all of us.
I got into coaching by accident! I did a working abroad project during a summer and landed myself in the San Jose area coaching summer camps, at this time I was still a full time student in university. I was hooked! The enjoyment and fulfillment of providing for others, and giving back to the sport from which I had already taken great experiences from. Then, many years and a career later, Covid-19. It completely changed the landscape of coaching, and it pushed us to an online format, something none of us had been expecting and nor had we trained for. It was during this time that motivation to coach, to be in the soccer world, took a huge hit. The limitations of what we could do and how we could engage.
However, through Zoom meetings with players, continued contact with all the staff, and being able to talk about how we felt and learn from each other with how we can cope, I got my motivation back. We weren’t defeated, we just had to learn to adapt, and with that multiple age group curriculums were rewritten, and any coaching course or webinar available I was registering for, and now we are back on the field. While it’s not at the level we want, we are back, and like when I first started, we as coaches are able to positively provide for others and support those close to us.
This post I hope is to show and open up everyone to that it’s OK to be struggling right now, it’s OK to feel down, but by opening up to each other and speaking to each other, and finding the reason ‘WHY’ we used to do things, we can keep going and even thrive.
We as staff are here for not only all the players, but also for each other, and you the parents, we want to best support everyone involved with Fremont YSC. That also includes those who are not currently playing and waiting to return, or have previously been a Fremont YSC player.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and we are all together stronger.
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