Evaluation Results 2017

Please see below the age group results.

Girls Training Pool Results – 2009 to 2010

Boys Training Pool Results – 2009 to 2010

Girls Results – 2007 to 2008

Boys Results – 2008

Boys Results – 2007

Boys Results – 2006

Girls Results – 2005

Boys Results – 2005

Boys Results – 2004

Girls Results – 2003


Following these results will be a parent meeting to explain the program and its philosophy on player development.

A registration link will be sent to everyone in the coming days.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting and on the fields.


Coming soon… to add to our development pathway will be a relationship between Fremont Youth Soccer Club, and ISoccerPath. We are incredibly excited to bring this College ID program to Fremont for its Competitive players.

More information will be coming in the next few weeks.

ISoccerPath – www.isoccerpath.com

The NEW Fremont Youth Soccer Club Badge

It is with huge pleasure to release the NEW Fremont Youth Soccer Club badge.

Its updated design was created by Fremont’s own Josh Conklin. Josh has been with the club since the age of 7 and is currently playing for the 02 Boys Black, now entering U15.

The logo kept its main shape of the oval shape to continue its evolution from Mission Valley United (Red), through FYSC’s change to blue, and now the new Fremont Youth Soccer design.

One goal we set out with this year is to reach out back to the community and provide the club with its Fremont identity.

5 Stripes

2 additional stripes have been added, each one representing one of the 5 original districts of Fremont, with its direction shooting out from behind the mountain.

Mission Peak

The addition of the mountain range symbolizes the iconic view of Mission Peak from our playing fields in Central Park. The incredible back drop looms large over each home soccer game, and its center piece in the badge prioritizes the iconic landmark.


We felt it was important for everyone to know who we represent, and to show pride for representing Fremont.

3 Stars

Each star a representation of our 3 main areas of the club.

  • Recreation Soccer
  • Clinics
  • Competitive Soccer

The Ball

The addition lets everyone know the passion we have for soccer, and the clubs dedication to providing the club with a philosophy to develop the individual player ahead of team success, and to nurture the youth player in to a fine well rounded adult.

Fremont YSC Under New Management

Hello Soccer Families,

Fremont Youth Soccer Club has started 2017 with new management. Having been at the club since 2008, and progressing through being a club coach, to the Director of the U4 to U6 program, and then to becoming the Director of Coaching for U4 to U11, Dai Redwood is the new Executive Director of Fremont YSC.

Along with the change at Executive Director, we also have a new Director of Coaching, Craig Surgey. Craig was previously with the club before taking a break from Fremont to start and raise his family. Craig returns with an understanding of the club, and experience as a DOC with older age groups.

We have a number of areas we would like to address as we continue to progress and develop as a club, and 3 key areas for 2017 will include –

  • Better Education for Coaches and Parents
  • City Recognition
  • Greater Communication

Over the coming weeks, we aim to make an immediate impact, and already this season we have put together a board and advisory group to keep Fremont moving forward and to have greater input from Fremont residents. We are always open to feedback, and happy to hear what people have to say. Part of this will help with education, so as we improve our communication we can educate people on why we do certain things as a club, and ourselves be educated on what could be done better.

2017 looks to be an exciting year for the club, and we can’t wait to see everyone on the field.

Fremont Player selected for US Development Academy

Congratulations to Thorben Gross-Perez.

Thorben has been with the club since he was 3, and moved through all the developmental stages to where he was a player on the 06 Boys Black.

Thorben was selected through the process of being recommended by the Fremont coaching staff, then with multiple weeks spent with the US Development Academy in Pleasanton, to finally being selected for a place in the USDA program.

Thorben is a great example of hard work, but importantly a love for the game, and is also an example of the long term development plan we have at Fremont to ensure individual player development with a love for the game is the priority for youth players.

Thorben will be missed, but we are very proud of his achievements and wish him all the best.

Give Youth Sports Back to the Kids

With the start of another season, and tryouts/evaluations rapidly approaching for competitive players across the country, and the countdown to the new recreation season, lets remember what the game is about.

Sport is about passion, a place to escape life’s stress’s, a place for children and adults alike to play.

Youth sports is for the youth, today’s children, and a place for children to have fun and play the sport they love.

Lets give youth sports back to the kids

Raffle Winners

A big thank you to Stephanie Monnier, and Casa Robles Mexican Restaurant, for providing the raffle items for today’s main raffle event.

Please see the following winners of today’s raffle –

  • Prizes won at the field included –
    • 2 Golden State Warrior Tickets
    • FitBit
    • Harlem Globetrotter Tickets
  • Other Prize  Winners Include –
    • FitBit – Praveen Tomar
    • 4 San Jose Sharks Tickets – Tarun Iyer
    • 4 San Jose Sharks Tickets – Jorge Ramirez
    • 2 Traditional Dinner Plates at Casa Robles – Esmeralda Ramirez
    • 4 San Jose Sharks Tickets – Rohan Kolala
    • 4 Disney on Ice Tickets – Aditya Chittipedhi
    • 2 Squaw Valley Ski Passes – Santiago Escamilla
  • Raffle Challenge Game Winners Include –
    • New FYSC Uniform – Coen Adler
    • Pro Jersey of Choice – Alexandro Perez
    • 1 Month of Training Fees – Sean Cirera
    • 1 Week of Summer Camp – Max Allen
    • Adidas Soccer Ball – Sharva Prabhvalkar
  • Passport Winner –
    • San Jose Earthquakes Bundle – To Be Drawn Monday. If you did not submit your completed passport for playing in all games, you have until the end of practice on Monday December 12th. Winner will be updated and posted here by midnight on Monday.

Congratulations to all the raffle winners, your prizes will be available at practice for pick up, or to arrange a time to receive your prize please contact Dai, [email protected]

End of Season Soccer Fun Day

We are only 3 days away from the end of season soccer fund day.

December 10th, 12pm to 3pm, Hopkins Junior High

The event will include multiple raffle games, competitive program picture day, staff servant auction, a snack bar, and every kids favorite – a bounce house.

See the Fun Day Flyer – Soccer Fun Day

Join us for a fun filled day with plenty of prizes on offer


Congratulations, Gage Monnier – ODP

Congratulations to Gage Monnier on making the 01 Cal North ODP Team.

Gage has been with the 01 Boys for many years, and has come through the long term development plan at Fremont YSC. Gage has been rewarded for his selection through his personal desire to improve and be better at every practice session, and has a fantastic work ethic.

Congratulations Gage.